Nice proposal!
I like option 6 a lot: any airdrop, we make sure they go (at least in priority) to NFT holders.
Also we can do a first airdrop with the current accumulated rewards from the NFT inflation stream which has never stopped from the launch. Could be a veSDT airdrop of some sort to avoid creating a massive one of dump.
There is currently 250k SDT accumulated with this 0.1 SDT since the last NFT distribution. It’s far from the 4m SDT you were mentioning, but at least it corresponds to the amount that has been voted by governance to be attributed to NFTs.
So imo, we could do that:
- one-off airdrop of SDT to relevant NFT holders
- NFT receives any future airdrop going to the DAO (except airdrops that are given to specific products, for example the PRISMA airdrop that was given to sdCRV holders).
- Inflation to NFT stops.
Now the big decision that remains is what NFTs should qualify for this one off airdrop?
I think we need to do a bit of work on this. In my humble opinion, the cohort that got access to the arbitrage strat got its reward already, since it was always publically announced that the arbitrage strat would not be profitable forever. We even subsidised the yield of this strat for a very long time after it started being unprofitable. So I don’t think those were fooled in any way.
The first cohort though, was eligible to this 0.1 SDT per block stream, and yet saw its rewards stop one day, because the guy in charge of the distribution calculation (which was off chain) left, and took his scrypt with him. Also, it was less relevant when we shipped the locker.
For the last cohort, I would need to double check because I don’t remember clearly, but I don’t think we ever sold any on the primary market, they were only received for free with points from the Palace. I also don’t think we ever announced any power. So I don’t think those are missing anything. However, I might be wrong, so please excuse me and correct me if it is the case, this was a long time ago.
To wrap it up, I think only the first cohort should benefit from the one-off airdrop, so Tempest and Pythia. I precise it’s the only cohort for which I don’t hold any NFT.