As Stake DAO continues to evolve and adapt to the dynamic DeFi landscape, it’s crucial to reassess and optimize our liquidity strategy for the SDT token. Given the current distribution and performance of SDT liquidity pools, there are several challenges that necessitate a strategic review and potential realignment.
This thread aims to engage the DAO in a discussion on the future direction of SDT liquidity, highlighting current issues and exploring possible solutions.
Current Liquidity Distribution:
TriSDT : SDT-frxETH-crvusd (Curve-ETH): $900K
ETH-SDT (Curve-ETH): $750K
ETH-SDT (Uniswap-ETH): $150K
BNB-SDT (Pancake-BNB Chain): $100K
Total Liquidity: $1.9M
Notably, Stake DAO holds 85% of the TriSDT pool.
Identified Challenges:
High Slippage: Approximately 5% for a 10 ETH swap, indicating liquidity inefficiency.
Underperforming TriSDT Pool: Despite its innovative auto-rebalance design, the TriSDT pool suffers from insufficient volume, hindering its ability to attract frxETH-crvusd trades and enhance yields as initially envisioned.
Preservation of FXS Incentives: The necessity to maintain the FXS incentives through sdFXS and Votemarket, which significantly contribute to covering DAO expenses.
Desire to Decouple from Stablecoins: To better reflect ETH’s market movements and reduce dependency on stablecoins.
Proposals for Discussion:
New ETH-SDT Pool on Curve: Leveraging new Curve’s “ng” smart contracts could offer reduced slippage and incorporate an efficient oracle for price discovery.
frxETH-SDT Pool: This option aims to continue harnessing FXS incentives and the Votemarket mechanism. The downside includes an additional step for swapping ETH to frxETH before SDT, despite deep liquidity between ETH and frxETH.
weETH-SDT Pool ( Capitalizing on current weETH volumes and general re-staking trends. This also involves an extra swapping step from ETH to weETH before SDT, although liquidity is deep.
Stablecoin-SDT Pools: Exploring the feasibility and benefits of establishing pools paired with various stablecoins.
TriPool SDT Configurations: Investigating the potential of various TriPool setups involving SDT to enhance liquidity and trading efficiency.
This draft is intended to kickstart a discussion within the DAO, inviting feedback, insights, and suggestions on the outlined liquidity strategies. The goal is to collaboratively decide on a path that not only addresses current challenges but also strategically positions SDT for sustainable growth and utility within the DeFi ecosystem.