Implement temporary re-locking pause for sdAngle & sdAPW

gm guys,

Following a post idea about sdMav pausing re-locking, I would like to discuss with you the opportunity to do the same for sdAngle & sdAPW. The depeg between sdAngle/spAPW & Angle/APW is sharp, and there is no active APR right now.

Moreover, we should maybe consider the re-lock mechanism as more dynamic with more voting period, perhaps more modularity. Maybe some ideas to take into account for “sd” strategies mechanism like giving the opportunity to lock for a shorter time, considering opportunities to sell if there are strong increase in price while unlocking period is approaching … And all of this involving the community through voting …

I feel like SDT, despite strong community and environment, is missing the train …



Hey, yayayoyo, sorry for the late answer

sdAPW is being migrated to sdSpectra, following their new tokenomics model and governance structure: From sdAPW to the new Spectra locker | by Stake DAO | Jan, 2025 | Medium

sdANGLE will follow veANGLE’s evolution, which includes token buyback and updated tokenomics: AIP - 107: ANGLE token buyback - Angle Improvement Proposals - Angle Governance Forum