The proposal is to remove the old sdTKN/TKN curve gauges from the SDT gauge controller in order to redirect SDT incentives towards new strategies.
Curve Finance has recently deployed a new factory pool for crypto pools, which introduces new features like a built-in oracle price. This development opens up possibilities for implementing additional functionalities within the platform. Stake DAO deployed new Curve pools and gauges for sdTKN liquidity.
We propose to remove the old sdTKN/TKN Curve gauges from the SDT gauge controller. By doing so, veSDT holders would have the opportunity to redirect SDT incentives towards the utilization of these new strategies and features. This adjustment aligns with the goal of maximizing the benefits and opportunities provided by Curve Finance’s upgraded infrastructure.
Human resources: Minimal developer time needed
Treasury resources: No treasury resources needed
Technical Implementation: Remove old sdTKN/TKN gauges, set weight to 0 for veSDT votes.
Proposal specifications:
Admin: veSDT holders
Community feedback: 2 days minimum
Voting Duration: 5 days