Author: @chago0x
This proposal aims to remove the Vote Bounty Manager (VBM) for the Curve sdYFIYFI gauge from the SDT gauge controller and migrate the VBM for sdFXSFXS from the Curve mainnet gauge to the Curve Fraxtal gauge.
These changes are designed to optimize incentive structures and align with current ecosystem developments.
The removal of the sdYFIYFI VBM is proposed because sdYFI liquidity is now incentivized through dYFI, and the primary LP used is the Yearn sdYFIYFI vault. This makes it less optimal to incentivize the Curve sdYFIYFI LP for Stake DAO.
The migration of the sdFXSFXS VBM from the Curve mainnet to the Curve Fraxtal gauge will better align with Frax ecosystem developments while maintaining the VBM on the Curve Votemarket.
Proposal Specifications:
- Remove the sdYFIYFI VBM from the SDT gauge controller.
- Migrate the sdFXSFXS VBM from the Curve mainnet gauge to the Curve Fraxtal gauge.
Admin: veSDT holders
Community Feedback: Minimum of 3 days
Voting Duration: 7 days
0 voters