SDGP-49: Whitelist Bent Finance's multisig to lock SDT



Whitelist Bent Finance’s multisig to lock SDT


Bent Finance (website) is a DeFi protocol that built a liquid wrapper for vlCVX. Since a new team started working on the protocol, the peg of bentCVX went up significantly, and is on its way towards a full repeg.

In its effort to repeg bentCVX as quickly as possible, Bent is partnering with Stake DAO to maximise its vote incentive income. In this context, Bent would like to lock some SDT, and would therefore require adding its multisig to the veSDT whitelist.

Technical implementation

  • Add 0x77C06E279320D8e5C65Ec26897451156cc95c15B to the smartWalletWhitelist contract


Simple transaction on Stake DAO’s multisig

Governance process

Administrators: veSDT holders
Community Feedback: Minimum 3 days
Voting Duration: 7 days

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