SDIR-11┃Add the 80BAL-20WETH/sdBAL balancer strategy to SDT gauge


We propose to add the 80BAL-20WETH/sdBAL balancer strategy to SDT gauge to boost the strategy’s APR with SDT.


The 80BAL-20WETH/sdBAL balancer strategy is the liquidity backbone of the Stake DAO BALANCER liquid locker, the more TVL the strategy has, the more the BALANCER liquid locker is attractive thank to the boost mechanism. Adding SDT incentive will improve over time the strategy’s APR and reward liquidity providers.


Human resources: Minimal developer time needed
Treasury resources: No treasury resources needed

Technical Implementation:

Add the 80BAL-20WETH/sdBAL balancer strategy to SDT gauge

Proposal specifications:

Admin: veSDT holders

Community feedback: 2 days minimum

Voting Duration: 3 days

Voting option:

  • Yes, Add the 80BAL-20WETH/sdBAL balancer strategy to SDT gauge
  • No, don’t add the 80BAL-20WETH/sdBAL balancer strategy to SDT gauge
  • Abstain

0 voters

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