SDIR#3 : Whitelist the Stake DAO multisig on Stake DAO


Proposal to whitelist the Stake DAO multisig on Stake DAO.


Since the launch of liquid lockers, Stake DAO’s voting power has been handed back to users, and with the current bribing environment, the DAO didn’t manage to retain its votes for its different pairs (sdt/eth, sdTKN/TKN, etc).

The DAO itself owns a lot of CRV that are either locked through the CRV locker or staked in the sdCRV/CRV pool.

Until now, the sdCRV were not staked to allow the users to have an even greater yield and voting power, but since we need to maintain the yield in our pools, we recently staked our sdCRV. The DAO now benefits from unboosted voting power which it uses to incentivise its liquidity pairs.


To start getting back some yield to our different pools in a more efficient manner, it is relevant to allow the DAO to lock SDT and boost its voting power.

This proposal aims to whitelist the Stake DAO Gnosis Safe multisig: (0xF930EBBd05eF8b25B1797b9b2109DDC9B0d43063) to interact with veSDT contract.

This whitelisting will have several advantages for the protocol:

  1. Allow voting on Curve and Frax for pools in the best interest of the DAO;
  2. Potential protection against hypothetical governance attacks. The multisig will not normally vote on governance proposals, but having this possibility can be a good security protection in extreme cases;
  3. Possibility to vote on Stake DAO gauge votes in the best interest of the DAO.

Technical implementation:

Whitelist Stake DAO multisig address: 0xF930EBBd05eF8b25B1797b9b2109DDC9B0d43063

on the following contract:


Voting option:

  • Yes, for Stake DAO Multisig whitelist
  • No, against Stake DAO Multisig whitelist
  • Abstain

0 voters

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I see reasons why StakeDAO should be able to use own boosted sdCRV power to support sdTKN pools incentives. I am support this. Could we make an additional to original proposal text and add a limit for SDT lock for StakeDAO. Lets say 500k SDT for 4 years? This additional will provide some guarantee for other veSDT holders dont be diluted during internal StakeDAO gov process and keep things healthy.

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