SDIR-14┃Add the STG/USDC curve strategy to SDT gauge

Project presentation:

Protocol name: STARGATE
Gitbook: Stargate - Stargate 1
Twitter: 1


We propose to add the STG/USDC curve strategy to SDT gauge to boost the strategy’s APR with SDT.

Following SDIR-8 (SDIR-8┃Whitelist STARGATE to lock $SDT) to whitelist STARGATE to lock SDT, STARGATE started deploying curve LP tokens in our curve strategies and will continue to do so.

Adding STG/USDC curve strategy to SDT gauge will allow any veSDT holder to vote for this strategy in the strategy allocation tab to redirect SDT incentives to it.

Human resources: Minimal developer time needed
Treasury resources: No treasury resources needed

Technical Implementation:
Add the STG/USDC curve strategy to SDT gauge

Proposal specifications:
Admin: veSDT holders
Community feedback: 2 days minimum
Voting Duration: 3 days

Voting option:

  • Yes, add the STG/USDC curve strategy to SDT gauge
  • No, don’t add the STG/USDC curve strategy to SDT gauge
  • Abstain

0 voters